Vivek Kumar

Vivek Kumar

About Vivek Kumar

Vivek Kumar is the Founder and CEO of Matrid Technologies. Vivek got addicted to Internet in late -90’s and kept pace with its evolution and technology. This wide and deep exposure has helped him successfully lead multiple teams at Matrid Technologies. In true sense, Vivek is a people person. When he is not working, he loves to spend time with his son, family and cycling around the city.

    Why a Dedicated Project Manager is the Backbone of your Development Project?

    While working with web developers  or mobile app development companies , a question often arises: “Why do we need a project manager?” This might seem like a valid question but only to those who are not well informed about the whole process of development and hence overlook of the significance of a project manager […]

      Top 8 Services Matrid Tech offers as an ASP.NET Development Company

      With the current state of technology, any development project requires going through a rigorous planning stage to decide the framework and programming language to be used for the project. Unlike earlier days, today developers and businesses have a plethora of options to carry out development. ASP.NET is just one of those options developers have.

      ASP.NET […]

        Wearable App Development: Top 7 Ideas

        As discussed in the previous article, Wearable Apps: An overview into a new app ecosystem the wearable app industry is a multi-billion dollar industry that is growing at an exponential rate. A movement that started as simple activity trackers is now evolving into something entirely unique and creative with the sole purpose of improving […]

          How to successfully execute your Application Migrations

          In the past, application migrations used to occur very infrequently. However, enterprises today are not only frequently upgrading to new operating systems, but are also shifting to cloud hosted environments that offer scalability. Applications today also face challenges due to the growing trend of Bring Your Own Device that demands for increased mobility and […]

            Native Apps vs. Web Apps: Making the Right Choice for your Business

            Mobile App Development is a complex process that requires a lot of research and planning. The stages of making a successful app begin with an idea. With the help of Mobile App Development companies the idea then goes through a thorough analysis followed designing, development, testing and launch. It is then marketed to reach […]

              What Hater teaches us about a successful online dating apps?

              Sometime in early February, the ex-Goldman Sachs employee, Brendan Alper launched his app, Hater, for iOS. As the name suggests, this app is similar to other dating apps like Tinder, but the difference is that it matches people based on what they “Hate”. The beta version which was available since December was very well […]